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Bitcoin as a cryptocurrency

The most happening topic these days is cryptocurrency .

This blog is to aware you of the same topic.

Cryptocurrency is basically a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange wherein individual coin are stored through ledgers .

The highest cc as of today is bitcoin .

1 bitcoin costs around $33521 us dollars and 24,96,932.73 indian rupees

Bitcoin is a decentralised digital currency without central bank .

Now I will share some questions regarding cryptocurrency and bitcoin.

Q is cc legal?

A... yes ,except for countries like china and Russia.

Q is cc printed like cash ?

A... no ,cc is not published or printed but they can be converted into cash ( which is printable).

Q does cc have benefits ?

A .....yes, like the

transaction cost being low .,

No limits on purchases and withdrawls ,

Available any tym and many ,

Accessible easily and other .

Q does cc have disadvantages ?

A...Just like pros it has cons such as

Volatility i.e, value keeps changing,

Online hacking,

Limited use etc....

Q who invented bitcoin?

A ....satoshi nakamoto he owns one million bitcoins.

Q do we have to pay taxes for bitcoin profits ?

A... as bitcoins are long term a 20 percent tax is collected as indexation benefit

Q can we expect cc in banks ?

A in 2018 rbi banned banks from supporting crypto after cases of fraud through virtual currencies reported

Q is bitcoin banned in india ?

A.... not as 0f now but shortly government may introduce cryptocurrency and regulation of digital currency bill 2021 to ban private cryptocurrencies

Q can i invest 1000 in bitcoin?

A ....yes any one can buy even a fraction of bitcoin i.e, from 100 or 1000

Q what. Are the famous bitcoin wallets in india ?

A.... bit coin mobile wallet

Web bitcoin wallet

Desktop bitcoin wallet

Hardware bitcoin wallet and other such

So people, this is my 1 st blog

I did quiet some research to bring this together .

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Jul 11, 2021

Wonderful blog pinky 😁❤️

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